ESG Deep Dive Series: Market developments, explaining the downturn of dark green products.

Welcome to the latest episode of our deep dive series. This time, we focus on ESG requirements and market developments. The episode outlines market trends around Art. 6, 8, 9 SFDR products and explains the recent downturn of dark green products.

Our deep dive series takes a closer look at hot topics and legal issues. We aim to reveal and explain interesting developments and risks. Each episode of the series focuses on a different topic, covering a broad range of legal issues we are happy to discuss in more detail.

A longer (German language) version of this episode has been published in the Law of Financial Instruments (Recht der Finanzinstrumente) journal and is available online

Weiterführende Links

The Future of Sustainable Instruments

Trends: ESG, der europäische „Green Deal“

ESG compliance: Everything you need to know

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