About us

Law Firm Evolved

Our ambition is to change how law firms do business. Rimon Falkenfort comprehensively adapted the innovative and award-winning model of the international US law firm Rimon for the German market. Our goal is to overcome traditional structures, utilize technology, and offer clients an alternative to the time-based business model traditionally employed by international law firms.

Experienced partners only

Rimon Falkenfort relies exclusively on partners with many years of experience. We do not apply a leverage-based business model and give our clients as well as partners the greatest possible flexibility to provide high-end, sustainable and cost-efficient advice.

Cost Certainty

We understand that cost certainty and predictability are important for our clients. We offer modern fee structures which take into account our clients’ economic concerns. Rimon Falkenfort embraces alternative pricing options to the time-based business model.

Global integrated

We are a locally independent German partnership and part of the international law firm Rimon - with more than 50 offices on five continents. We combine the advantages of local structures with the reach of an international law firm for our clients.

Global growth

With a revenue increase of more than 50 percent in 2020, Rimon is one of the most dynamically growing law firms worldwide. Since 2020, Rimon is also in Europe - currently with office in Frankfurt as well as in London and Paris.


Not only is our business model innovative, but our information technology is as well. We offer a broad range of LegalTech solutions, using artificial intelligence. Our IT can be seamlessly connected with our clients’ systems to ensure smooth collaboration - anytime, anywhere.

Strong partners

With Rimon Falkenfort, we have gained a strong partner in the important German market for further international market penetration.

Michael Moradzadeh, co-founder of Rimon


We stand for excellence in our work. Our goal is to surpass ourselves, as well as to work together as a team in mutual respect and appreciation. By developing creative ideas and implementing challenging projects, we aim to provide our clients with trustworthy long-term support in all legal matters.


We are committed to sustainability and comply with sustainability standards. We promote diversity and inclusion and see the collaboration of people from different backgrounds, experiences and expertise as an essential strengthening of our teams.

The shareholders