Stephan Kleemann Rimôn Falkenfort

Stephan Kleemann, LL.M. (University of Arizona)

Partner with Rimôn Falkenfort

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Stephan Kleemann has extensive experience in complex litigation and internal investigations. He advises German and international clients in complex commercial disputes. His main areas of advice are corporate litigation, post M&A disputes, director and officer liability, and capital markets liability litigation. He has further extensive experience in professional liability issues.

  • Georg Group during restructuring in insolvency proceedings under self-administration
  • Representation of Deutsche Telekom AG in Germany’s first class-action lawsuit under the KapMuG-Act in respect of prospectus liability. Leading negotiations of overall settlement.
  • Representation of a bank board member in respect of claims for damages in connection with cum/ex trades.
  • Representation of a bank board member in respect of claims for damages in connection with a factoring business model.
  • Representation of a JV partner against OEM due to disputes over the branch in Kuwait.
  • Representation of a major international bank in defending against claims for damages due to a non-performing financial market product of in the three-digit million range.
  • Advising a hedge fund in connection with its investment into a litigation-SPV.
  • Internal investigation and advice to an international law firm in connection with the possible misconduct of a partner.

(Includes work for other law firms)

Often recommended for conflict resolution
Handbook 2021/2022

Since 2022
Partner at Rimôn Falkenfort

Partner at a litigation-boutique

Lawyer at international law firms

Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Trade Law, University of Arizona

Second State Exam, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

First State Exam, University of Göttinge