Stephan Krampe, LL.M. (NYU)

Partner with Rimôn Falkenfort
Rechtsanwalt, Steuerberater

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Stephan Krampe advises  institutional investors and family offices on the tax and legal structuring of complex corporate transactions, including the conception and implementation of fund structures, alternative investments and structured financing. He has a particular focus on the real estate sector. 

He is a certified tax consultant (Steuerberater), has an LL.M. in International Tax Law from New York University and has been included in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions of the "Best Lawyers in Germany" list of Handelsblatt and Best Lawyers for his expertise in tax law.

    (includes work for other law firms)

    Best Lawyers
    Ranking for "Tax Law"
    2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 editions

    Legal 500
     “works quickly and thoroughly while also understanding business relationships very well’
    (Germany 2019)

    Legal 500 
    "... and Stephan Krampe are the law firm of choice in our real estate transactions. Over the wide range of activities and the internationality of the law firm, we always have a competent contact person."
    (Germany 2020) 

    Since 2021        
    Partner at Rimon Falkenfort

    Partner at major international law firm

    Admission as certified tax advisor (Steuerberater)

    LL.M. International Taxation, New York University    

    Admitted to the bar in Germany

    Second State Exam in Law, Bavaria

    First State Exam in Law, University of Bayreuth

    • Bundesverfassungsgericht kippt Grundsteuer [Federal Constitutional Court overturns property tax], Der Steuerberater, 5/2018
    • Überschusserzielungsabsicht bei der Kapitalanlage unter der Abgeltungsteuer [on certain aspects of the flat tax regime] (together with Martin Haisch), DStR 2011, 2178
    • Kapitalertragsteuer bei Verbriefungstransaktionen im Lichte des BFH-Urteils v. 22. Juni 2010 – I R 78/09 [on withholding tax on securitizations in light of Federal Tax Court ruling], (together with Florian Lechner), FR 2011, 607
    • Einzelfragen zur Abgeltungsteuer - Teil I [certain aspects of the flat tax regime], (together with Martin Haisch), FR 2010, 311
    • Steuerliche Aspekte der Verbriefung von Körperschaftssteuerguthaben [on tax aspects of securitization of corporate tax credits], (together with Marcus Helios), Corporate Finance, 2/2010